Archive | March, 2011

Making a move, or rather, a few moves

19 Mar

There was a quote I read some time ago… I can’t remember the exact words but it goes something like “The greatest regret is not moving backwards, but standing still.” And at this point of my life, I’m glad to say that I’m not standing still.

I was recently promoted to Senior Copywriter, but my promotion was never announced because I resigned shortly after. Honestly, I never expected to ‘level up’ so soon. After all, I’ve less than 5 years in the industry. So I was pleasantly surprised when I was told the good news. Nevertheless, I’m grateful for the opportunities given to me so far and will continue to improve my skill sets in my new place of work. There’s still so much to learn and discover in this world!

So, where am I heading to next? Well, Ian and I are moving to Singapore really soon and we are stoked! Of course it will be a challenge to plan our wedding from another country, but thanks to Tiger Airways, AirAsia and the Internet, planning and travelling will not be as difficult as say… 20 years ago. 🙂 I will talk more about my new place of work once I have a better feel of it… so hang in there…

Hmm, maybe I should give a quick update on our wedding plans since I haven’t been blogging lately.

Our next milestone would be our ROM on 11 June 11. Why that date? Well, we just scrolled through the calendar and that date looked nice. So we picked it. Yup, it was as simple as that. We won’t be spending much for this civil affair. Hair and make up will likely be done by yours truly, photography by a friend, and I plan to wear a really retro dress that Ian’s dad made for Ian’s mum back in their courting days. I just hope I can fit into the dress since people were so skinny back in the 1960s!

Yes, we are moving. And I am glad that we are moving together.

Walking together