Tag Archives: Viral

Save the Children

19 May

Every year, desperate Creatives from all over the world compete for recognition and fame at the Cannes Advertising Festival. There are many ways to get to Cannes. You could do what most Creatives do – come up with a brilliant idea, impress your Creative Director enough for him/her to approve it, craft that idea to perfection, get the client to sign off on it, and finally send it to Cannes.

Or, you could scout for alternative routes that are much faster (and exciting!), like the YouTube Cannes 48 Hour Competition. Open to Creatives from the age of 18 -28, this competition is held every year and the challenge consists of 2 parts.

The first part: Create a video in 48 hours

A brief will be released on a certain day and participants have 48 hours to think of an idea, shoot the video, edit, and upload it on to YouTube. This contributes to 51% of the score.

The second part: Make it viral

The remaining 49% of the total score is based on how popular your video is. So the more likes and views you’ve got, the higher your chances are of winning.

YouTube will pick 2 of the best videos and send the creators to represent them in the Young Lions Film Competition that will be held at the Cannes Advertising Festival… all the way in France.

So what does this contest have to do with me? Well, I’m turning 26 this year and having gone down the conventional route the past 4 years, I’ve decided to give this alternative route a shot.

The brief this year was to create a video to highlight the need for more health workers in developing countries. We’re not allowed to use music and everything needs to be original – no stock footage/sound/pictures.

After 48 hours, yours truly managed to finish this:

It may not be a Hitchcock, Scorsese or Yasmin, but it is my sincere attempt to highlight this issue, get people to sign the petition and hopefully get a chance to attend Cannes.

So if you have it in your heart perform a not-so-random-act-of-kindness today, do contribute a like to video and sign the online petition. And if you have more love to give, please help to share this message with your friends and family.

To like the video, go to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2nNW69zzDo

To sign the petition, go to:  http://www.savethechildren.org/invest-in-health

To learn more about this contest and watch more videos, go to: http://www.youtube.com/user/canneslions

Thank you very much for your support.